Journal of Smart Life Interactions Vol.12 No.1/2 (journal of mobile interactions )

スマートライフ学会誌 12巻1号・2 号 合併号 (旧モバイル学会誌)

titleA Study on House Maker’s Value Co-creation in Manufacturing
著者外所 伸崇(静岡大学創造科学技術大学院/積水ハウス株式会社 静岡工場), 遊橋裕泰(静岡大学大学院総合科学技術研究科), 西垣正勝(静岡大学大学院総合科学技術研究科)
キーワード住宅, 共創, ものづくり, 愛着, 経験価値
KeywordsHousing, Co-creation, Manufacturing, Attachment and Customer experience
pageスマートライフ会誌, vol.12(1/2); pp. 1- 8(2022)
titleA Research on Child-rearing Information Services by AI Speaker
著者原田 博子(静岡大学創造科学技術大学院) 村松 千香子(認定NPO法人はままつ子育てネットワークぴっぴ) 遊橋 裕泰(静岡大学大学院総合科学技術研究科) 西垣 正勝(静岡大学創造科学技術大学院)
AbstractMothers raising babies feel heavy physical and psychological burden because they are very busy with childcare and housework. As AI speakers are hands-free devices, they can be a help to reduce their burden. Therefore, AI speakers can be used as an aid to child-rearing support. Pippi has developed two skills for AI speakers. In this study, Pippi examined whether AI speakers can reduce the burden of child-rearing and improve QOL (quality of life) by using two skills that utilize open data.
キーワード子育て情報サービス, AIスピーカー, 育児・家事の負担感, オープンデータ
KeywordsChild-rearing Information Service, AI speaker, Feeling of burden of childcare and housework, Open Data,
pageスマートライフ学会誌, vol.12(1/2); pp. 9- 16(2022)
titleCharacter Input with One-Handed Thumb for Smart Glasses
著者田中 敏光(名城大学情報工学部) 坪井 良太(名城大学情報工学部) 小川 夏美(名城大学情報工学部) 佐川 雄二(名城大学情報工学部)
AbstractThe input device is a smartphone covered with a thin plate with holes. The plate limits the area that can be touched, and the edges of the holes allow tactile recognition of finger position. The user grabs the device with one hand and taps or strokes with his/her thumb in the cross-shaped hole. The text entered by the user is displayed on the smart glasses. An input guide that shows the status of the input operation and what the user can do next is also displayed here. These allow users to operate without looking at their hands. Enter one hiragana character in two steps. First, use the stroke to select a Gyou that is a row in the Japanese syllabary table. Twelve strokes can be defined by moving from one of the four ends of the cross-shaped area to the other, so one row is assigned to each. Then flick or tap to select one of the characters included in that row. The selectable characters can be changed to voiced, semi-voiced, or lowercase characters by tapping the button. In the beginner experiment, the average input speed after inputting 250 characters was 21.7 [CPM], and the error rate was 6.5%.
KeywordsCharacter input, Touch typing, One-hand operation, Smart glasses, Mobile
pageスマートライフ学会誌, vol.12(1/2); pp. 17- 22(2022)

スマートライフ学会誌12巻1号・2 号 合併号(旧モバイル学会誌)

Journal of Smart Life Interactions Vol.12 No.1/2(ex Journal of Mobile Interactions )

