journal of mobile interactions Vol.2 No.2

モバイル学会誌 2巻2号

タイトルタブレットPC のモバイル性を活かした現場作業者用「腰痛判定カメラ」の開発
titleDevelopment of a Lumbago Judging Camera Utilizing the Mobility of the Tablet PC
著者田中 優介 (摂南大学大学院工学研究科), 福井 裕,川野 常夫 (摂南大学理工学部)
AbstractThe purpose of this study is to develop a new mobile tool with camera allowing to judge whether the workers suffer from low back pain using a tablet PC; iPad. The tool is named “Lumbago judging camera”. The working postures observed in the materials handling or care working become a focus of study. Using iPad a software application is developed to take a picture of the worker’s posture and draw a 2D body link model by touching articulation nodes of the body image on the touch screen. The software finally estimates compression forces in the lumbar intervertebral disk L4/L5 solving equations derived from a static kinematical model. Some workers feel low back pain if the compression force exceeds 3400N (NIOSH criteria). Almost workers feel it if the force exceeds 6400N. Lumbago judging camera developed in this study judges the low back pain using the criteria. The lumbago judging camera is available for use on-site and improvement of the working conditions.
キーワードタブレットPC, モバイル,荷役作業,介護作業, 腰痛
Keywordstablet PC, mobile, materials handling, care work, low back pain
pageモバイル学会誌 2012, vol. 2(2); pp. 31- 37
titleDevelopment of a Supporting System for Handing-Over at Nursing-Care Facilities
著者中島 正人, 福原 知宏, 三輪 洋靖, 西村 拓一 (産業技術総合研究所 サービス工学研究センター)
AbstractThe purpose of this paper is to propose system requirements for developing a supporting system for handing-over at nursing-care service facilities, which could include collections and shares of residents’ information of their conditions and their requests oriented by employees’ situation awareness. We conducted three investigations about handing-over among employees at a nursing-care service facility to understand the actual situations and to analyze the contents of handing-over. As the results of the investigations, we revealed that about 75% of contents included information about residents and their families. Based on the investigations, we found that the new supporting system for handing-over should require portability, search function, security and analysis functions.
Keywordsnursing-care service, handing-over, awareness, information sharing, mobile devise
pageモバイル学会誌 2012, vol. 2(2); pp. 39- 47
titleA method for Selecting Unreachable Objects on One-Hand Operated Mobile Device with Drawing them Close to user’s thumb
著者村田 和義, 永田 和信, 渋谷 雄 (京都工芸繊維大学)
AbstractThis paper focuses on the one-hand operated mobile devices with touch panel display. Some users use such device with their both hands, i.e., their one hand is used to hold the device and another hand’s finger is used to operate the device. However, in our daily life, it is often happens that we can use only one hand for operation. For example, if a user stands in the train, he/she uses his/her one hand to hang on to the strap. As another example, if a user has a bag with his/her one hand, he/she can use another hand only to operate the mobile device. When the user must use the mobile device with his/her one hand, it might be difficult or hard to touch the everywhere on the display. This paper proposed a new method to touch the everywhere on the display with one hand. With the method, user can pull the objects in far area to near area on the display with simple gesture and he/she can touch the desired object easily. From the experimental evaluation, it is found that the proposed method is effective to touch the objects in far area on the display. On the other hand, it is not so efficient because of the increase the number of operation to touch the desired object. However, from the subjective evaluation, it is found that the proposed method gives a good impression to the user..
Keywordsmobile device, one-hand operation
pageモバイル学会誌 2012, vol. 2(2); pp. 49- 54
titleChanges on Users Needs for Hardware and Software in the Transition Period to Smartphone ? Analysis of the Survey on Feature Phone, iPhone and Android users
著者金城 敬太, 東邦 仁虎, 工藤 秀雄 (東京理科大学 経営学部)
AbstractIn this research, we conducted an investigation which shows clearly what kind of preferences the users of three categories have.The categories are (1) feature phone users, (2) iPhone users, and (3) android users. The reason for the investigation is that it is not clear what kind of terminal functions and mobile contents smartphone users use up to the present time. Through this investigation, we clarified the following things: (1) Android users have a tendency to ask for advanced terminal functions. These terminal functions are the same as the functions used in the feature phone. Moreover, Android users have a tendency to use free applications. (2) iPhone users have a tendency to ask for high quality charged contents. These are the results of the above investigation.
Keywordsa shift to smart phones, fact-finding investigation into mobile phone users, characteristics of each platform user
pageモバイル学会誌 2012, vol. 2(2); pp. 55- 60
タイトルSocietal Attractor 理論に基づく城崎温泉回遊行動の分析と介入予測
titleAnalysis and Control Simulation of Customer Behavior in Kinosaki Hot Spring Area based on Societal Attractor Theory
著者西村 拓一, 内藤 耕 (産業技術総合研究所), 北島 宗雄 (長岡技術科学大学), 山本 吉伸, 小川 祐樹, 赤松 幹之 (産業技術総合研究所)
AbstractWe have proposed Societal Attractor Theory. “Societal attractor” is a spatio-temporal device organized by selected human behavior due to individual motivations, external expressions, and physical constraints. “Service” is spatio-temporally organized human behavior attracted by motivation, expressions of donor and recipient, and environmental constraints. We analyzed customer behavior in Kinosaki Hot Spring where hot springs, hotels, events and shops are attracting visitors. Those attractors change attracting power and have limitations such as capacity or business hours. Then a qualitative simulation method is proposed which focuses on transition probability among attractors. We show the possibility to estimate effect of service flow control by some simulations.
キーワードサービス, モデル化, アトラクター, シミュレーション,介入予測
KeywordsService, Model, Attractor, Simulation and Service Control
pageモバイル学会誌 2012, vol. 2(2); pp. 61- 68
titleFatigue Detection with Personal Mobile Device
著者原田 暢善, 岩木 直 (産業技術総合研究所)
AbstractFatigue detection system with personal mobile device was developed with an index of flicker fusion threshold (FFT). FFT, defined as a frequency at which intermittent light stimuli appear to be steady for the human observer, is known to be getting lower as the mental fatigue accumulates. The FFT has been used as a measure of arousal level by monitoring the time resolution of early visual systems. A traditional system of FFT detection, originally reported by Simonson and Enzer in 1941, requires a large and expensive device to measure, which impeded the diffusion of the method to be used for fatigue measurement in general public. Here, we report our recent development on the FFT detection method to implement mental fatigue measurement system as downloadable application software for mobile device , namely, (i) a new method to control a subjective flickering sensation by changing the contrast of the visual stimuli instead of changing temporal frequency to realize FFT detection on raster-scan display devices, and (ii) a new paradigm, in which forced-choice task performance was used for FFT detection to eliminate arbitrariness of the subjects’ response and to achieve faster completion of the test.
キーワード点滅刺激融合閾値, 精神的疲労, モバイル端末, 固定リフレッシュレートディスプレイ, 恣意性
KeywordsFlicker Fusion Threshold, Mental Fatigue, Mobile Device, Raster-Scan Display, Arbitrariness
pageモバイル学会誌 2012, vol. 2(2); pp. 69- 73
タイトル授業の双方向性を評価するタブレットPC 対応アプリケーションの開発
titleDevelopment of a Software Application for Tablet Mobile Devices to Support the Evaluation of Interactive Classes
著者安藤 明伸 (宮城教育大学 技術教育講座), 青柳 章大 (ミライトス株式会社),Darold Davis (Replicant AD, LLC), 杵淵 信 (北海道教育大学札幌校)
AbstractIn our research, we have developed the “I/O Classroom Analysis Application” for tablet devices. With this I/O analysis, the interactions between students and teachers can be visualized. The observable targets were of three types: a teacher, a small group of students and a large group of students. We then recorded the states (information output or input / hearing / thinking) as 3bit binary data. To evaluate how useful this method was using our application, we adapted it into actual classroom settings that used two different teachers. They taught the same content in each class. Subsequently, the results from the overall inquiry were not much different between using our method and the impressions from observing the class. In addition, with the I/O analysis, it was possible to quantitatively grasp 4 types of graphs, the degree of exchange between the teacher and the students, and what type of changes occurred over time.
キーワード授業, 双方向性, 分析, タブレットPC, 授業改善
Keywordsclass, interactive, analyses, tablet PC and improve lecture
pageモバイル学会誌 2012, vol. 2(2); pp. 75- 80
titleThe Effects of Illuminance on Visibility of Reading Mobile Devices
著者佐野 峻太 ,神田 哲也, 長谷川 旭 (名古屋大学大学院),小嶌 健仁 (名古屋工業大学大学院), 宮尾 克 (名古屋大学大学院)
AbstractWe carried out experiments to evaluate the visibility of reading tablet devices and e-paper under staged illuminance conditions. We compared iPad, Kindle DX and paper. In the experiments, we measured subjective evaluation of visibility, the pupil diameter of the subjects and viewing distance. The result found the evaluation of iPad was better than Kindle and paper under low illuminance and the evaluation of Kindle and paper were better than iPad under high illuminance. The result indicated the comfortable illuminance conditions to read for each device.
キーワード電子書籍, 視認性, 照度, 瞳孔径, 視距離
Keywordse-book, visibility, illuminance, pupil diameter and viewing distance
pageモバイル学会誌 2012, vol. 2(2); pp. 81- 85

モバイル学会誌 2巻2号 :

Journal of mobileinteractions Vol.1 No.2

