Journal of Smart Life Interactions Vol.14 No.1/2 (journal of mobile interactions )
スマートライフ学会誌 14巻1号・2 号 合併号 (旧モバイル学会誌)
タイトル | 高齢者向け経路嗜好推定モデルの個人適応のための歩行履歴を活用したユーザ評価自動推定 |
title | Automatic estimation method of user evaluation using walking history for personal adaptation of route preference estimation model for elderly people |
著者 | 小須田 侑暉(筑波大学 情報科学類), 古川 宏(筑波大学システム情報系) |
Abstract | 日本の高齢化の進行とモバイル端末の普及から, 高齢者が外出時にナビゲーションシステムを使って歩行することはよくあると想定される. しかし, 現在のナビゲーションシステムは最短経路を提供するものが多く, ユーザの身体状況や嗜好は加味されていない. 高齢者は体力や嗜好に個人差が大きく, それぞれに適切な経路を提供するシステムが必要である. 本研究では, 先行研究で提案された経路探索手法においてモデル更新に必要なユーザの経路要因への評価を自動で推定する手法を検討した. 高齢者を対象に歩行速度の変化や立ち止まった回数などの歩行中の情報と経路要因への評価を取得する歩行実験を行い, 結果を分析して自動推定手法を検討した. |
キーワード | ナビゲーションシステム, 歩行速度, 個人差, 経路評価, モデル改善 |
Keywords | navigation system, walking speed, individual differences, route evaluation, model improvement |
page | スマートライフ会誌, vol.14(1/2); pp. 1- 8(2024) |
タイトル | 高速度AIカメラによるグループ競技ダンスの同調評価 |
title | Evaluation of Motion Synchronization for Competitive Group Dance Using High Speed AI CAMERA |
著者 | 田河 琴音(摂南大学 理工学部), 川野 常夫(摂南大学),松尾 英治(松尾電機エンジニアリング) |
Abstract | The purpose of this study is to evaluate quantitatively the motion synchronization for competitive group dance with a degree of synchrony defined in this study. The dance motions are captured without restraining the dancers using a high-speed AI CAMERA developed in a series of our study. The AI CAMERA is able to recognize human skeletons from only video images in 260 fps and get 2D coordinates of every dancer’s body joint points. Firstly, two kinds of experiments are carried out: (a)the dancers have trained well predetermined dance motions, (b)the dancers follow the leader’s motion without any rehearsal. The group dances consisting of three dancers are captured for tens of seconds with the AI CAMERA. Secondly, the degrees of synchrony of head, right upper arm, body, and right thigh are calculated based on the interpersonal correlations of their angles. Thirdly, the dances are qualitatively evaluated by experienced dancers and unexperienced audiences viewing the recorded videos. The relationship between the qualitative evaluations and the degrees of synchrony provided quantitatively has been investigated. Finally, usefulness of the AI CAMERA and the degrees of synchrony developed in this study has been evaluated with the questionnaire method. As the results of this study, the degrees of synchrony for group dances are suggested to substitute the qualitative evaluations and the AI CAMERA is very useful for the exercise of group dances in order to develop their dance skills. |
キーワード | グループダンス、ダンス評価、熟練ダンサー、同調度、AIカメラ |
Keywords | group dance, dance evaluation, experienced dancers, degree of synchrony, and AI CAMERA |
page | スマートライフ会誌, vol.14(1/2); pp. 9- 16(2024) |
タイトル | ハンドヘルド型ARを活用した仮想定量実験による高校化学の学習支援 |
title | Supporting High School Chemistry Learning through the Use of Handheld AR for Virtual Quantitative Experiments |
著者 | 玉川 裕介(筑波大学 情報科学類), 古川 宏(筑波大学システム情報系) |
Abstract | In chemistry education, conducting chemical experiments is important. However, there are challenges associated with chemical experiments, such as financial costs, the potential for accidents, and insufficient time for repeated experimentation. This study explores the use of virtual chemistry experiments, facilitated by handheld AR (Augmented Reality) devices, to address such challenges in traditional chemical education. An AR application for COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) measurement experiments was developed, and comparisons were made between the test scores of learners who engaged in learning through AR and those who used traditional textbook-based learning. The use of AR chemistry experiments for learning has been confirmed to be effective in acquiring and solidifying learning content. Furthermore, it has been confirmed to be more effective in acquisition compared to learning with traditional textbooks. |
キーワード | AR化学実験、定量化学実験、学習支援、二元配置分散分析、HARUS |
Keywords | augmented reality chemistry experiment, quantitative chemistry experiment, learning support, two-way analysis of variance, HARUS |
page | スマートライフ会誌, vol.14(1/2); pp.17-23(2024) |
タイトル | 電装系Tier-1メーカーの資本関係と事業戦略に関する一考察 |
title | A Study on Capital Ownership and Business Strategies of Electrical Equipment Tier-1 Manufacturers |
著者 | 河住 圭人(静岡大学 情報学部), 遊橋 裕泰(静岡大学 情報学部) |
Abstract | In recent years, hybrid and electric vehicles have been attracting attention from the perspective of environmental protection. This has led to an increase in demand for automated driving technology and advanced safety products in the automotive parts industry. Two companies that are major players in Japan’s automotive parts industry are Denso Corporation and Aisin Seiki Co. Both of these two companies are core companies in the Toyota group, and we believe they play a similar role within the automotive industry. This study focuses on the inter-company networks of companies in the automotive parts industry, extracting investment-related data for both companies from securities reports and other sources, conducting network analysis and clustering analysis. Based on the analysis results, we will discuss business strategies. Both Denso and Aisin have similar business strategies and network structures. Although they have effective capital holdings and business strategies to develop existing products, we found that Denso Aisin has an inferiority complex with respect to EV vehicles, which is the current trend. |
キーワード | 電装系Tier-1メーカー, 資本関係, 事業戦略, ネットワーク分析 |
Keywords | Electrical equipment Tier-1 manufacturers, Capital ownership, Network analysis |
page | スマートライフ会誌, vol.14(1/2); pp.24-29(2024) |
タイトル | テキストマイニングから見た政令指定都市の自治体総合計画~浜松市・岡山市・新潟市のスマートシティ構想パターン化~ |
title | A Study on Text Mining of Local Government Comprehensive Plans: Patterning of Smart City Concepts |
著者 | 平松 隆志(静岡大学創造科学技術大学院), 遊橋 裕泰(静岡大学創造科学技術大学院) |
Abstract | 日本の「高齢化」「東京一極集中」などの社会課題に対してスマートシティ構想に活路を見出そうとする自治体が増えている。国はデジタル田園都市国家構想総合戦略の実証等で先行事例の創出を行うも実装にはまだ課題が多いとされている。スマートシティに関する事例や調査資料など関連文書は増えてきているが、其々の地域課題に対しての解決には、それら関連文書を読み解き実装計画を策定する必要がある。本研究では、スマートシティ普及段階における行政文書のスマートシティ構想(実装計画)をテキストマイニングで解析を行い、浜松市、岡山市、新潟市の比較検討からスマートシティ構想のパターンモデルを導出した。 |
キーワード | 自治体総合計画, スマートシティ構想, テキストマイニング |
Keywords | Local Government Comprehensive Plans, Smart City Concept, Text Mining |
page | スマートライフ会誌, vol.14(1/2); pp.30-37(2024) |
スマートライフ学会誌14巻1号・2 号 合併号(旧モバイル学会誌)
Journal of Smart Life Interactions Vol.14 No.1/2(ex Journal of Mobile Interactions )